A List of Interesting
Tree Bark, N-Z

The list of trees (and some shrubs) with interesting bark for winter interest continues.

Oxydendrum arboreum, sourwood—brown, deeply furrowed and ridged bark

Oxydendrum arboreum, sourwood barkOxydendrum arboreum

Parrotia persica, Persian parrotia—exfoliating, multicolored patchwork bark

Parrotia persicaParrotia persica

Pinus bungeana, lacebark pine—patchy exfoliating bark revealing splotches of multi-colored inner bark

Pinus bungeana barkPinus bungeana bark

Pinus nigra, Austrian pine—dark brown vertical furrows with lighter ridges

Philadelphus coronarius, mock orange—reddish-brown, exfoliating

Physocarpus opulifolius, common ninebark—exfoliates in long strips

Platanus occidentalis, American planetree or sycamore—grey bark exfoliates in patches revealing lighter greys beneath

Platanus occidentalis, sycamore barkPlatanus occidentalis

Platanus x acerifolia, London planetree, Zones 5-8.  A cross between the American and Oriental species of planetrees, this one has gorgeous multi-colored bark.

Platanus x acerifoliaPlatanus x acerifolia

Prunus maackii, Amur chokecherry—rich shining mahogany colored bark with horizontal lenticels; older specimens may exfoliate

Prunus serrula, paperbark cherry—shining red bark marked with horizontal lenticels, exfoliating with age

Prunus serrulata, Japanese flowering cherry--smooth gray bark with reddish horizontal lenticels

Prunus serrulata 'Shirotae'Prunus serrulata 'Shirotae'

Pseudocydonia sinensis, Chinese quince—very interesting flaking bark in shades of gray, brown and green

Salix matsudana ‘Tortuosa,’ Peking willow—interesting drooping and contorted branches

Salix melanostachys, black pussy willow—dark black branches in the winter and spring

Sassafras albidum, sassafras—red-brown deeply furrowed bark in mature specimens

Sequoia sempervirens, redwood--fshaggy, fibrous hide on mature trees. Of course, this can be a gigantic tree in the wild and needs plenty of room, so for most of us it will be admired in arboreta or national parks, though there are a few dwarf cultivars out there.

Sequoia sempervirens, redwood  bark     barkSequoia sempervirens

Stewartia Bark

Stewartia koreana, Korean stewartia—reddish-brown to gray flaking bark. This beautiful one at Asticou Azalea Garden, Mt. Desert Island, Maine.

Stewartia koreana barkStewartia koreana

Stewartia monadelpha, tall stewartia—tan bark exfoliates showing cinnamon patches-distinctive

Stewartia monadelpha barStewartia monadelpha

Stewartia pseudocamellia, Japanese stewartia—smooth texture, beautiful pale mottled pattern of pinks, tans, browns, and grays-striking

Stewartia pseudocamellia barkStewartia pseudocamellia

Stewartia serrata, sawtooth stewartia, Zones 6-9. Stewartias have some of the handsomest bark which makes them outstanding specimens for winter interest. S. serrata's reddish bark flakes to reveal grays and lighter tan bark beneath.

Stewartia serrata barkStewartia serrata

Styrax japonicus, Japanese snowbell--dark gray-brown bark with irregular breaks with age on muscular sinuous-shaped trunks.

Styrax japonicus barStyrax japonicus

Ulmus alata, winged elm--irregular vertical ridges of shaggy gray bark

Ulmus alata, winged elm barkUlmus alata

Ulmus parvifolia, lacebark elm—mottled, irregular patchwork pattern of grays, browns and reds

Ulmus parvifolia, lacebark elm barkUlmus parvifolia

Zelkova carpinifolia, Caucasian zelkova--smooth gray bark that flakes off to reveal orange underneath.

Zelkova carpinifolia barkZelkova carpinifolia

Zelkova serrata, Japanese zelkova--grayish-brown bark exfoliates with age into multi-colored patchwork

Zelkova serrata barkZelkova serrata bark

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Plant of the Month

Mahonia x media 'Marvel'

Mahonia x media 'Marvel'

Updated new USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map 2023.